Five steps to become an influencer for your industry

Five steps to become an influencer for your industry

In the current highly competitive business environment, with vast abundance of brands, which have access to affordable and cost-efficient advertising, customers are becoming increasingly cautious of who they listen to. Not long ago, it was determined that women no longer trust celebrity endorsements – something that worked very well until not so long ago. Instead, customers are more inclined to listen to their peers and family when deciding on their next purchase. 

So how can you develop yourself into becoming a trustworthy influencer in today’s highly saturated marketplace? 

  • Become an expert in your industry 

Your industry should be your niche, your field of expertise. Not only is it logical, but it is also highly beneficial to your brand. Many companies ignore the social aspect of their business and simply stick to day-to-day operations, completely neglecting development of their image. Publishing a monthly blog and positioning yourself as a knowledgeable and up-to-date service provider in your industry will certainly raise the profile of your business in the long-term. 

  • Choose your media channels 

It is not enough just to produce the content. You need people to find out about it and how you do it is completely up to you. There are a number of social media platforms and tools at your disposal and deciding on which ones are the most relevant to you, is important. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn are all great in their own unique way. Developing a strategy for each one is a big task, which should not be taken lightly. 

  • Develop content strategy 

Once you have identified the most relevant channels to distribute your content through, it is time to establish the guidelines and the strategy for each single one of them. Who you are targeting, what content you will be producing, when will you be publishing it, how often, etc. Consistency is key. Content calendar can be a very useful tool for accomplishing that task. 

  • Engage with your followers 

Once the content is published, don’t just leave it there. Promote it, distribute it, encourage interaction and engage with your followers. Encourage shares, likes, follows, etc. By interacting with your audience you will show them that its more than just about you giving them content – it’s about you starting a conversation. Make it an experience for them. 

  • Evaluate 

Perhaps, the most overlooked part of any marketing effort. By analysing the effectiveness and success of your content strategy, you will be able to see what works and what doesn’t and adjust accordingly. Make it a habit of spending an hour every week going through the latest figures and statistics and setting goals for the next one. 

By following these five steps, you should be able to navigate your way through to becoming an influencer and be seen as an expert in your industry, which will only benefit the image and reputation of your brand.