Do you follow these three key factors of business growth?
There have been many books, articles, opinions and debates written and argued over the years as to what is the best avenue for facilitating business growth. There is no doubt that many of them are, indeed, very useful and insightful, but ultimately, they all come down to one simple thought: “stagnation is the death of an organization”. And it really is. Companies that fail to innovate, fail to grow, and inevitably stagnate, allowing their competitors who do grow, take over the market, sooner or later.
The question is: how? How do you keep innovating and grow without having to sacrifice time and resources, which are scarce and vital for the day-to-day operation of the company? The answer is: it’s in mentality.
Integrate Growth Culture
Many companies make a mistake by making the growth culture a secondary factor during the formative years. It should be up front and centre on everyone’s minds from the moment the business is founded. Growth should be the factor that drives day-to-day operations and the reason for which your team are turning in to work. Everything that you do should be aimed at making your organization bigger, more successful and more profitable. It should become your philosophy.
Be Ambitious
Operating a small- to medium-size business is incredibly difficult and time-consuming, to say the least. “Firefighting” and the search for new opportunities never ends. However, you can’t drown in this vicious circle of day-to-day tasks. By creating big, ambitious goals and objectives you are facilitating people to focus on the growth and development, and stay motivated.
People are the Drivers of Change
It goes without saying that organizations don’t just depend, but require creative and ambitious people in order to develop, who are the primary drivers of change. Surround yourself with the like-minded and hard-working individuals from the start to ensure that when the moment comes to take the next step, you are prepared for it. It’s not just the skills of the staff that matter, but also the reputation that your employees bring with them. Everyone wants to work in the organization that has talented, ambitious and motivated people forming a core of the team.
Remember: stagnation is not an option.