6 tips on innovation

6 tips on innovation

There is one thing common to successful start-ups and business – they are using their imagination, intuition, experience and networks to develop and implement an innovative idea.  Over the years, our strategists at RIKON have heard numerous and interesting recipes for innovation and here are 6 tips to keep in mind to improve the innovation journey in your organisation. 

  1. Have a User Centric Focus.  Do not innovate for what you think the customer wants. Don’t innovate at them. Involve them in the innovation process. Through observation, interviews and interaction, you try to understand and empathize with the way your client views the world and what is meaningful to them.  
  2. Apply an open innovation mentality. It really does not matter whether you are an SME or a large multinational, ideas come from everywhere. So there is a need to capitalise on the intellectual capital of your network, customers, suppliers and even competitors 
  3. Apply Lean Start-up. A common phrase amongst entrepreneurs and innovators is that the product is not right – it is not perfect. Don’t wait for it to be perfect – it will never be. Get the product out to the market place and then focus on learning from your mistakes and developing an improved version.  
  4. Concrete ideas are far better than abstract one. An abstract idea is one where you cannot articulate what is in your head. Spend time putting pen to paper. Sketch it and try to write around the sketch. It will help to make the idea more concrete and ensure that everyone understands the idea and are on the same page.  
  5. Support and Train your Staff. Training will provide your staff with confidence around innovation concepts and resources. In addition, it will empower them to add value to the organisation and encourages employees to feel engaged with the business and management.  
  6. Lead by Example.  Innovation must be led from the top down. For creativity and innovation to thrive, a culture that encourages and inspires staff to create ways that add value, leadership is integral in your formula for success