Tool - 180 Degree Thinking

To overcome the restraints to creativity that result from assumptions, this technique aims to break predictable patterns by taking the opposite view. As a result, it changes the direction of thinking and leads to fresh ideas. While these ideas need not be 180 degrees different from the original assumption in all cases, the purpose is to start a new thinking process upon which suggestions can be built.

Using 180 Degree Thinking

Step 1: Identify some typical assumptions or attributes in the focus area.

Step 2: Push thoughts in the opposite direction by writing down the opposites of these identified attributes. If an attribute does not have a clear opposite (e.g. rectangular), use a negative description (e.g. not rectangular).

Step 3: Start working with the opposite attributes. Note that the resulting ideas do not necessarily have to be the opposite of the traditional assumptions, but that these steps create the scope for new thinking processes to begin.


180 Degree Thinking (pdf)