Tool - Picture Prompts

For this technique, pictures are used for the purpose of generating strong emotions and initiating creative thinking. It is an easy and fast approach, undertaken in the context of a group that requires participants to write down ideas that arise naturally upon examination of an image.

Using ‘Picture Prompts’

Step 1: Prior to a brainstorming session, the facilitator selects 20-30 pictures. These must be visually interesting and represent a mix of images that relate to a problem and are entirely unrelated to it. Both have a function in the generation of interesting ideas.

Step 2: Each participant in the group is asked to select one or more pictures that suggest a solution to the focal problem. They are then asked to elaborate on their rationale for selection of these images.

Step 3: The images selected by all participants are discussed in the context of the group.

Step 4: A selection is made regarding which ideas or solutions should be pursued by the organisation.


Picture Prompts (pdf)