How to write a vision statement

How to write a vision statement

Before we get into the topic of writing the vision statement, we need to answer one question. Do you need to have a vision statement? Without a proper vision statement, you lack a clear definition of your objectives. You don’t have that idea of the business laid out and this could impact how well your business performs. You don’t understand your ambitions and your staff are not motivated. So yes, you need a vision statement if you want to run a successful and positive-minded organization. 

It has to be short and simple 

Less is more and it is certainly the case. You want to be as specific, precise and down to the point as possible, in order to create a clear picture of what your vision is, without creating an unnecessary confusion in the minds of everyone involved.  

It should be ambitious, yet realistic 

People don’t like hard. We like easy and hassle-free. However, when it comes to the goals and objectives of your organization, you should try and get the most out of the resources that you have on hand. It doesn’t mean you have to set the world on fire, but settling for less might result in your staff, customers and stakeholders becoming upset and demotivated. 

It must be specific to the business 

Keep it relevant and close to the brand. That means to remember your mission statement and linking it to the vision statement. It is easy to get carried away and get lost in the aspirations and the impact that you would wish to achieve on the industry, but try to focus on internal processes more. 

It must align with the business values 

It must go without saying, but many businesses treat their value proposition statement and they vision statement completely separately, which is a big mistake. You values and mission should always be a part of your strategy, whether it is short, medium, or long-term. 

Vision statement is very important, but it does require time and effort to get it right. It also has a habit of being dynamic and changing as time goes by. Many organizations don’t bother with it at all, but at what expense? Invest in your vision statement and you will have a much better idea of what the future holds for your business and what you need to do in order to achieve it.