Tool - Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a technique used to visualise information. A central concept is drawn and associated concepts are then added through linkages depicted by branches. Representing concepts in this way is beneficial as it is closer to how information is processed by people than the serial notation characterised by written text. A mind map may be used to support brainstorming activities either for individuals or in the context of a group. It is advised that the use of open questions such as ‘what’, ‘who’, ‘where’, ‘when’, ‘why’, and ‘how’, can be beneficial.

Using ‘Mind Mapping’

Step 1: Define the central idea or the problem at the centre of the map.

Step 2: From the central idea, write down and link every idea that comes to mind.

Step 3: Determine which of these branched ideas are of the greatest importance and repeat step 2 generating sub-branches from these branches.

Step 4: A break for a predetermined amount of time is taken.

Step 5: Upon returning to the task, a new map is created in which the topics are rearranged, hierarchies are built, and new association between the preliminary ideas are identified. Reoccurring ideas are examined in further detail.

Step 6: All information from the two mind maps created are synthesised in the formation of a comprehensive, composite mind map.

Step 7: A solution is derived by identifying connections between branches or the addition of new branches. It is suggested that breaks from this processes are taken whenever required, graphics are used, colour coding occurs, and descriptions are short.


Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping – Template