Tool - Problem Mapping

Problem mapping is a technique that analyses a central problem by evaluating related ideas and determining how each connect. It represents these connections visually in the form of a map and provides the foundation for solving recognised issues systematically. The approach is frequently used to support the idea generation process through the identification of relevant factors and their relationships.

Using ‘Problem Mapping’

Step 1: A clear definition of the focal problem is recorded in the form of a statement.

Step 2: Potential causes of the problem that occur above, or prior to the organisation in the supply chain are identified.

Step 3: Potential causes of the problem that occur below, or after the organisation in the supply chain are identified.

Step 4: The previous 3 steps are performed iteratively until the problem has been thoroughly defined and analysed. All the causes identified are represented visually and mapped to the focal problem in order to depict their relationships.

Step 5: Sequentially, each of the identified causes of the focal problem is selected for examination.

Step 6: Factors that drive and inhibit progress toward a solution to the problem are identified and translated into a list of potential actions that can be taken by the organisation.


Problem Mapping

Problem Mapping – Template