Tool - Semantic Intuition

Semantic intuition is a word-combination technique that first specifies the name for an innovative idea or project and afterwards develops the details. The idea/project names are created by generating two lists of words and randomly combining them. Semantic intuition is most effectively used in the context of a group and can be used discretely or in combination with other techniques.

Using ‘Semantic Intuition’

Step 1: Participants in an idea generation session identify two categories of words that are relevant to the focal issue. These could be, for example, ‘product/service features’, ‘customer needs’, or ‘store locations’.

Step 2: Words are generated to populate each of the categories.

Step 3: Words from both categories are combined in various orders to create idea/project names.

Step 4: A mini-story is developed around these idea/project names that explains how they could be executed. These stories are discussed by the group to see if they can be developed in practice.


Semantic Intuition

Semantic Intuition – Template