Toole - Idea Ranking

Idea ranking is a technique conducted within groups to assist organisations with the selection of ideas. Its objective is to prioritise ideas on the basis of their value and viability, in order for organisations to allocate their time to those with the greatest benefit. To execute this technique, group members rank ideas from lowest to highest, with 1 representing the lowest ranking, and the sum of the number of ideas representing the highest ranking. The ranking scores are then added for all participants and the idea with the highest collective score is selected.

Using ‘Idea Ranking’

Step 1: Each participant provides a ranking of all generated ideas. These are ranked from lowest to highest, and the numeric value for each rank is used only once. The lowest ranking is 1 and the highest is the sum of the total number of ideas under consideration.

Step 2: The facilitator gathers all rankings and adds them. The idea with the highest collective score is selected.


Idea Ranking

Idea Ranking – Template