Tool - Interviewing

Interviewing involves asking questions and getting answers from those who agree participate. The technique can be undertaken in a variety of ways involving either a single individual or a group; or face-to-face, through the telephone, or using other electronic devices. The primary categories of interviews are Structured: Where each interviewee is asked an identical set of, predominantly closed, questions in the same order; Semi-structured: Where there is a formal guide to the order of questions and topics but the interviewer can follow different trajectories dependent on responses received; and Unstructured: Where there is a clear plan with regard to the focus and objectives of the interview, but no guide for the order of questions or topics.

Using ‘Interviewing’

Step 1: Determine the goals and objectives of the interview. What type of information or understanding is desired?

Step 2: Decide who is to be interviewed. This requires an evaluation of who can provide desired insights. Permission is then asked to conduct an interview.

Step 3: The mechanism for the interview is decided. This can be face-to-face, over the telephone, or through email. This depends on the preference of the interviewee and the resources available to the interviewer.

Step 4: The format of interview most appropriate to obtaining desired knowledge is decided. This may be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. The interview questions and, if required, interview guide are developed.

Step 5: The interview is conducted and an evaluation is made regarding whether the desired information was collected.



Interviewing – Template