Dr. Jennifer Hennessy
Lecturer in HRM
TitleLecturer in HRM
School/DepartmentBusiness -Management And Organisation
Room Name/NumE12A
Building1977 - Business Building
CampusMain Campus
Social Media
I completed my PhD at the University of Limerick in 2013. I also attended University College Dublin where I completed a Masters in Business Studies and an Honours Degree in Psychology.
I have a Postgraduate Diploma in Businesss Studies and Information Technology and have completed an Occupational Psychometric Testing Course Level 1 (Awarded by BPS) .
I am a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and was an External Examiner for Dublin Business School from 2003-2006. I was also a member of a validation panel for an MA in HRM, at Cork Institute of Technology in 2013. I am currently a reviewer for The European Journal of Training and Development.
Hennessy, J., Garavan, T. & Kelliher, F. 2013, Leading the Fit: Understanding how Leader Member Exchanges can be used to enhance the PO Fit of Organizational Members, proceedings of the 5th Developing Leadership Conference, UL June, 2013.
Hennessy J. & Garavan, T. 2012, Exploring Organisational Members Talk about PO Fit: A Thematic Discourse Analysis,proceedings of the IFSAM Conference, UL June, 2012.
Hennessy J. & Garavan, T. 2009, A Qualitative Exploration of the Application of a PO Fit Framework to Career Constructs, proceedings of the 3rd Global e-Conference on Fit, Hosted by Open University, November 2009.
Hennessy J. & Garavan, T. 2009, Constructing a Theoretical Framework to Examine Needs Structure Fit from a Careers Perspective, proceedings of the Irish Academy of Management Conference, GMIT, September 2009.
Hennessy J. & Garavan, T. 2009, An Exploration of Person-Organisation Fit from a Career Perspective, proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human Resource Development: Research and Practice across Europe, Newcastle, June 2009.
Hennessy, J. & Kirrane, M., 2004, Work family border theory: creating a new agenda in a changing workplace, proceedings of the Irish Academy of Management Conference, Trinity College Dublin, September 2004.
Hennessy, J. 2002, Models of employee relations: partnership or strategic HR, which benefits the employee, proceedings of the Irish Academy of Management Conference, WIT, September 2002.
I lecture on a range of programmes in the area of HRM including:
- Masters in Business Studies (Consulting HRM)
- Bachelor of Business Studies (International HRM)
- BA in International Business (HRM)
I am currently supervising one PhD and one DBA candidate:
I have also supervised range of post-graduate dissertations:
- Masters in Business Studies by Research
- Masters in Business Studies (HRM option)
- Masters in Business Administration
I worked for two years as a HR generalist with Bausch and Lomb Ireland before joining Waterford Institute of Technology.
HR Consultancy Project
The HR consultancy project forms part of the assessment for the HR Consulting Module on the MBS HRM Programme. The assignment involves students working with a local company on a HR related consultancy project which is chosen by the client. Projects have ranged from identifying approaches to succession planning, to the development of options for diversity training programs. This assessment offers a unique learning opportunity for the students where they can apply the theoretical concepts that were introduced during the module in a practical business context. An applied learning project of this nature ensures graduates have gained ‘real world’ experience, which affords them the potential to enter organisations with enhanced management skills. Initially the students meet with the client in order to gain an understanding of the problem involved. A project proposal document is then prepared which specifies the objectives and the approach to be used in the assignment. The students then carry out research on the project topic and this is captured in a final report, which is then presented to the client.