Industry Engagement

To date RIKON has engaged with over 1000 companies                                       

RIKON is currently involved with the below sectors:






Financial Services

ICT/ Clean Technology

Pharmaceutical/ Medical Devices



Business Services


RIKON Academy

RIKON’s Enterprise Academy is a dedicated space for entrepreneurs, SMEs and larger organisations to get access to real business insight from start-up, to business planning to market research, to innovation, to finance and much more. The Academy has over 300 free business tools, blogs and resources to make the day to day growing of your business or career a whole lot easier.


RIKON has delivered over 60 free industry specific one day clinics to SME’s throughout the South East of Ireland to assist them in their continued success and growth. The consultations centre on business model development, strategy, business process optimisation and customer interface strategies. The events are organised in conjunction with the local Chamber of Commerce to ensure.

SME Funding Awareness Roadshow

In 2014, RIKON recognised the need for funding information sessions in the region and throughout Ireland and so we designed and published a funding tool for SMEs that identified all possible funding mechanisms and opportunities within Ireland.  Delivered 26 free funding information events on behalf of each of the chambers in the South East of Ireland.

Free Training

2013- Present: Delivered 5 one-day business development training sessions to non-limited SME’s who are not eligible for funded assistance through government schemes.