Research Informed Teaching (new page)
Teaching at the School of Business, Waterford Institute of Technology is inspired by the internationally excellent and world-leading research being conducted by RIKONs researchers and industry interaction
RIKON faculty are embedded in the fabric of innovative approaches to educational programs for current and future SME owners/ service providers.
Drawing from knowledge gained through sustained industry interactions, RIKON’s faculty led the SIF-funded teaching initiative in the School of Business involving problem-based learning (PBL), and members crafted a ‘PBL’ framework, with an incumbent suite of modules (entitled Tri-semester Framework) involving pre and post modules to the BBS program’s flexible term as part of this initiative.
RIKON researchers have been actively involved in developing a draft framework for the Institute’s forthcoming structured PhD program, and provided a researcher during the academic year of 2012-2013 of the Graduate Programs Structure Working Group, under the auspices of the Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Committee of the Academic Council.
RIKON also work with undergraduate students as part of the flexible term initiative. In 2014-15, RIKON’s faculty were also involved in the delivery of a range of innovative research-informed programs – the Doctorate in Business Administration and the Masters in Business Administration ‘live lab’ change program, the BSc in Small Enterprise Management (developed in partnership with Fáilte Ireland) and the Higher Diploma in Service Design and Innovation.
Workshops on time management, basic writing skills, academic writing, critical thinking skills and Moodle have also developed by RIKON faculty. Members have also been involved in delivering several generic skills’ workshops in the Institute’s Generic Skills Training for Postgraduate Students program.
Based upon applied research and industry interaction, RIKON faculty designed the Higher Diploma in Service Design and Innovation, the first of its kind in Ireland, is a one year, level 8-degree program. This program follows a user-centric service innovation approach utilising tools such as design thinking, persona mapping, service blueprinting, service business modelling and prototyping and aims to provide participants with an end-to-end design thinking perspective of service innovation. The program was carefully crafted in collaboration with leading innovation experts and with companies, to provide participants with the latest expertise in the field.
RIKON faculty developed the Higher Diploma in Business in Operational Excellence, a one-year, Level 8 executive education program providing participants with the requisite knowledge and skills in lean and operational excellence.
Based on participant feedback, industry engagement, and applied research, RIKON contributed to the development of the Master of Business in Lean Practice with the critical input of lean industry exemplars, and is practical and applied throughout with the modules reflecting the key organisational challenges in implementing lean initiatives.
RIKON faculty developed a 15-week Level 8 Certificate in Management Development. As a blended learning programme, it is designed to facilitate working individuals to progress their management capability at their own pace.
Based upon industry feedback, RIKON faculty developed a blended, 15-week Level 8 Certificate in Project Management.
Based upon a recruitment shortage for Operation Supervisors in the Manufacturing, Engineering and Pharmaceutical industries in the Southeast of Ireland, RIKON faculty developed a blended, 15-week Level 6 Certificate in Supervisory Management to upskill operatives to supervisors.
In all programs developed, there is a strong emphasis on experiential and peer learning wherein the teaching, learning, and assessment methodology involves joint, integrated, and co-assessed live-laboratory projects undertaken within partner organisations; employer based continuous improvement projects; work-based learning aligned to the academic learning acquired on the program. In each of these programs, there is on-going collaboration with industry via two-way transfer of knowledge, experience, and skills from industry into the program and classroom, as well as from the program faculty and students into industry. The programs involve plant visits; live business based applied projects, a number of guest lectures by industry contributors; and delivery to industry of student findings.